Advising and Resources

Before filling out the Advising Contact Form, carefully check the FAQ page, which covers a wide range of common questions. Then read the following text. Use the Advising Contact Form only if your issue remains unresolved.

Registration: Check Registration Issues, especially the sections on full sections, prerequisites and conflicts. Registration is handled centrally. If you have a legitimate issue, use the Advising Contact Form, and do not contact individual instructors or other faculty members. If you request registration through the Advising Contact Form, make sure to include the section number of the requested course.

Degree requirements and planning: If Degree Navigator confirms that you are on track to complete your degree, you are on track to complete your degree. Use the Advising Contact Form only if you believe Degree Navigator is wrongly indicating that you are not on track to complete your degree. For degree planning, you are strongly encouraged to use the UBC Math Course Map.

UBC Math Course Map

Advising Contact Form

Use the following form for all inquiries:

Advising Contact Form

All submissions through the Advising Contact Form are addressed, the vast majority within 24 hours. Direct emails to advisors will not receive a response.

List of Advisors

Position Name Office
Undergraduate Chair Prof. Fok-Shuen Leung MATX 1207
Chief Advisor Prof. Jingyi Chen MATX 1212
Co-op Advisor Prof. Anthony Peirce MATH 108
Co-op Advisor Prof. Tai-Peng Tsai MATH 109
Advisor Prof. Michael Bennett MATH 222A
Advisor Prof. Mathav Murugan MATX 1104
Advisor Prof. Joshua Zahl MATH 117