UTA Opportunities

The Math Department hires Teaching Assistants 3 times a year to support our undergraduate programs.

Job Classification: UTA (Undergraduate Teaching Assistant) for the Mathematics Department

Student Eligibility: You must be an undergraduate student currently enrolled in full time studies at UBC. (To be a full-time student one must be enrolled in the Winter Sessions (2 terms) with a minimum of 24 credits.)


  • UTA 1: $26.40/hour
  • UTA 2: $24.44/hour


  • Winter Term 1 (September to December) - apply from May 1-31
  • Winter Term 2 (January to April) - apply from Nov. 1-30
  • Summer (May to August) - apply from March 1-31

Duties: Up to 12 hours per week fulfilling one or more of the following duties:

  • UTA I positions: facilitating workshops with grading duties; facilitating computer labs with grading duties; tutoring in the Math Learning Centre and any other duties assigned by your supervisor
  • UTA II positions: grading assignments/quizzes and any other duties assigned by your supervisor

Application Procedures:

To apply online, click the CWL login button below. You will be redirected to the UBC Secure CWL Login page.

CWL Login